Search results for "arrivals"

How can I create an arrivals list?

…This can be achieved by using the Quick Reports. You can then create a report t produce a list of students arriving on a particular date or within a date range. There is a helpsheet (no. HS035) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – HS035 Quick Reports – Arrivals List.docx or please watch the video below demonstrating this process.  …

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I would like to create an arrivals transfer report within no accommodation details?

To create an arrivals list that has transfer details but no accommodation requirements, you would need to create a Transfer quick report. Adding in the transfer criteria, and also adding “Accommodation Finance Status Name” and setting the criteria to “Not Equal To” “Active” or “Is NULL”. This will produce a report on students who have not booked accommodation or has cancelled accommodation, within the date selected. There is a helpsheet (no. SQL1…

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I would like to create an arrivals transfer report with Accommodation details?

To create an arrivals list that has transfer details and accommodation requirements, you would need to create a Transfer quick report. Adding in the transfer criteria, and also adding “Accommodation Finance Status Name” and setting the criteria to “Active” along with the fields for “Booking Accommodation Forename” and “Booking Accommodation Surname”. This will produce a report on students who require transfer and have an accommodation booked. The…

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