Search results for "agents"

Class Systems: 30 Years, 30 Tips!

…llows within Class: File > Special Functions > Batch Email Format Update > Agents/Students/Accommodation. 22. Ledger Balance References Do your students and agents sometimes forget to add a reference when paying you a part or full balance? In the Class Ledger “Account Browse” screen, if you tick the “Include Balance” box, you are able to see all payment values against their accounts, and you can even search by a specific value. 23. Quick Browse Wi…

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I need to produce a list of agents to email a mailshot?

…ht not have email address for). Then select on ‘Search’ to display all the Agents that match the selected criteria. You will then have the option to select ‘Send Document’, search and select the document that you have prepared to be sent to the selected agents. Then select your ‘Send By’ method (Email), and tick ‘Send to All’ There is a helpsheet (no.SQL178) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – SQL1…

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Modules & Upgrades

…on (admin) – Allows you to reserve or allocate rooms within Class for your agents. Rooms can be allocated to agents as ‘committed’, ‘on-release’ or ‘free sale’, and student details are visible under both rooms and agents on a daily basis. Advanced Accommodation Chart (Accommodation Officer) – This module provides at-a-glance details of when rooms are occupied or free, on a weekly basis, for specific or different accommodation types. It enables you…

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Class holds a comprehensive database of your agents. Students can be allocated to “Direct” if they are not coming through an agent. Direct students can be assigned to different currency arrangements depending on where they book from. Each agent held in Class can have their own invoicing arrangements, price lists and promotions can be set up for specific courses or time periods. With the optional Ledger Module agents payments can also be managed w…

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…ific period. Student numbers as well as statistical weeks and values can be found quickly from within an agent’s record. HV009 Agents – Difference between Discount and Commission This document explains the difference between agents discount and agents commission (as far as Class is concerned). HV032 Quick Reports – Agent List How to produce a list of Agents? This can be achieved by using the Quick Reports to produce a list of all active agents….

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How do I get a list of agents commission?

…Within Class there is a report called “Agent Commission Payments” that you can run which produces a report to show you agents that are due commission, and from here you can record whether it has been paid. **Please note commission cannot be paid from the Class system** There is a helpsheet (no. SQL039) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – Agent Commission Payments Statement.doc…

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I need a list of all agents that sent us students in a particular date range?

…To get this information you would create an Enrolment General quick report, setting the “Date Filter” to present adding the date range and then the relevant report field. There is a helpsheet (no.SQL110) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – List of Agents that have sent students in certain period.doc…

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Can I import a list of agents into Class?

…Within Class there is an import function which allows a file of agents to be imported into the Class system. There is helpsheet (no.SQL199) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – Agent Import.doc…

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Can I get a report to show me what agents are sending me the most number of students?

…Within the Enrolment-General quick reports you can produce a report which will show you the number of students that each of your agents has enrolled in a particular date range. There is a helpsheet (no.SQL189) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – Agent Top 10.doc…

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…cx HS095 Agent – Pricing – Discounts & Commissions.docx List of Agents that have sent students in certain period.doc HS112 Statistics – Enrolment – Student Numbers by Agent.docx Period End Unpaid Commissions.doc Dated Notes+Internal Messaging.doc HS169 Statistics – Individual Agent Statistics.docx Agent Pricing.doc Agent Mailing Email.doc Agent Statements.doc Agent Top 10…

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