Search results for "groups"

What are Disc/Comm price groups?

The disc/comm price groups are for use with agents pricing. They provide a method of grouping price items together. For example a price group called ‘General English’ could consist of GE15, GE20 and GE25 lessons in order to apply a special rate of discount/commission. A price group can be assigned to any number of agents and each agent can have a different discount/commission rate applied for the price group. There is a helpsheet (no.HS094) which…

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Ho do a produce a list of groups?

…To produce a list of all groups present in the school you would use a group quick report. There is a helpsheet (no.HS097) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet –HS097 Quick Reports – List of Groups.docx or please watch the video below demonstrating this process.  …

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How do I add a group?

…To add a new group into Class, select on Admissions>Groups There is a helpsheet (no. SQL045) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – Groups – Adding.doc  …

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How do I add a price group to an agent?

…Price groups are applied to the Agent record via the Finance Details>Pricing. There is a helpsheet (no.HS095) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – HS095 Agent – Pricing – Discounts & Commissions.docx  …

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What does the group import do?

…The import function allows a file of Groups to be imported into Class. Typical uses would be a list of students that are sent to you by an agent to be imported into Class. There is a helpsheet (no.SQL198) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – Group Import.doc…

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How would I print or email host family confirmation letters for a group?

…rint or email a confirmation to the host. There is a helpsheet (no.HS056) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – HS056 Groups – Host Family Confirmation Letters.docx or please watch the video below demonstrating this process….

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