Search results for "quick report"
A student is not included in a course booking quick report?
…If a student is not appearing within the course booking quick report, and you know they should be. Things to check: Check the students’ course to ensure it is booked correctly. Check that there is a Course Booking attached in the middle section of the screen. There is a helpsheet (no.SQL154) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – Missing Course Booking.doc…
> Read MoreA student is not included in an Accommodation Booking Quick Report?
If a student is not included in an Accommodation Booking Quick Report or You are unable to book the student with a host (error displayed) The things to check are: Check the students’ accommodation to ensure it is booked correctly. To do this, double click on the accommodation line Check that there is an Accommodation Booking attached in the bottom section of the screen. If it is blank, click on Add and choose the correct accommodation item from t…
> Read MoreHow do I produce a report showing students whose Visa is due to expire?
…Visa Expiry Report.doc…
> Read MoreI would like to create an arrivals transfer report within no accommodation details?
…t no accommodation requirements, you would need to create a Transfer quick report. Adding in the transfer criteria, and also adding “Accommodation Finance Status Name” and setting the criteria to “Not Equal To” “Active” or “Is NULL”. This will produce a report on students who have not booked accommodation or has cancelled accommodation, within the date selected. There is a helpsheet (no. SQL137) which covers this. Please click on the following lin…
> Read MoreI would like to create an arrivals transfer report with Accommodation details?
…the transfer criteria, and also adding “Accommodation Finance Status Name” and setting the criteria to “Active” along with the fields for “Booking Accommodation Forename” and “Booking Accommodation Surname”. This will produce a report on students who require transfer and have an accommodation booked. There is a helpsheet (no. SQL138) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – Transfer Report +…
> Read MoreI need to create a “students starting a course” report?
This type of report can be created using an “Enrolment Course Booking” quick report. Date Filter could be “Starting” if you require a list of all starters or “Present” if you want to see all students currently on a course or “Finishing” if you want to see all students finishing a course. There is a helpsheet (no.SQL069) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – Students starting course List.d…
> Read MoreHow do I produce a statistical weeks report by price item?
…You would need to create an Invoicing statistics report, adding in the “Price Item” to the “Sort” field and then adding the price items you wish to report on. Then within the “Values Used” field on the “Invoicing” tab of the report select “Statistical Weeks” There is a helpsheet (no.HS240) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – HS240 Statistics – Invoicing – Student Weeks by Price Item.docx…
> Read MoreCan I get a report to show me what agents are sending me the most number of students?
…Within the Enrolment-General quick reports you can produce a report which will show you the number of students that each of your agents has enrolled in a particular date range. There is a helpsheet (no.SQL189) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – Agent Top 10.doc…
> Read MoreI need to create a Deferred Income/Forward Sales report?
…Before running the statistics report ensure all proformas for arrival up to the period end date have been converted to final invoice. Then you would setup a report within the Invoicing statistic reports. There is a helpsheet (no. HS005) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – HS005 Statistics – Deferred Income_Forward Sales.docx or please watch the video below demonstrating this process. …
> Read MoreWhy is my agent commission not showing on the commission report for a particular student?
…helpsheet (no.HS002) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – HS002 Agent – Commission not included in report.docx or please watch the video below demonstrating this process….
> Read More