Search results for "batch processing"

What does the Document – Batch Processing do?

…This enables unsent documents to be merged and sent all together, a mix of print and email can be handled by the system. Also a wide range of selection options is available. There is a helpsheet (no.SQL218) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – Document Batch Processing.doc…

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In Class is it possible to create a batch of invoices?

…nt should be run at least once every month to ensure proforma’s are converted to invoices/credits. Users not printing proforma’s on a “one by one” basis (as enrolment’s are created/amended) should run the batch print on a daily basis. There is a helpsheet (no.SQL182) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – Invoice Batch Print.doc…

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How do I produce a batch of host family confirmation letters?

…There are two stages to this progress: Create a document template Create a quick report to find the hosts in order to merge the documents There is a helpsheet (no.HS054) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – HS054 Documents – Host Family Confirmation Letters.docx…

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Is there away to amend student records within a group?

…, which allows you to apply an update to all records within a group. Group Batch updating can be used to update student records in many circumstances, including the following examples: A Group is arriving/departing on different dates than first booked. Students are to study on a different course than the one originally booked. The course price item has been incorrectly input. Accommodation is to be upgraded. Transfer details once known can be upda…

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How are the Booking Status and Arrival Status to be used?

…olment process in different ways? Booking Status – Booked: will allow full processing of an enrolment. Provisional: This is only applicable if the company settings restrictions are in place and a couple of examples of its use are: Student/agent has confirmed their booking but you are awaiting their visa details. Student/agent has confirmed their booking but you are awaiting payment. There are 3 separate restrictions available when the Booking Stat…

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How do I class students?

…Class has a facility where you can class your students, either as a batch or individually, this will then give you the option to create class lists and registers. There is a helpsheet (no. SQL131) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – Automatic Classing.doc  …

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How can I add student attendance?

…attendance recording can be added on a daily or a weekly basis as either a batch or individually to a students record. This then enables you to produce a report to show students failing to reach attendance percentages for a given period. Also you can include the resulting percentages with documents e.g. certificates. There is a helpsheet (no. SQL141)which covers this. please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – At…

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Adding student progress

…Within Class you can record student progress either by adding in using the batch process or adding individually to the students enrolment. This information can then be used reported on or can be used in documents. There is a helpsheet (no. SQL141) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – Attendance & Progress.doc…

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How do I produce a statement?

…To produce agent or a student statements you need to go into the Class Ledger, and these can either be produced as a batch or individually. There is a helspheet (no.SQL187) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – Agent Statements.doc  …

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