Search results for "host family"

How would I print or email host family confirmation letters for a group?

…a confirmation to the host. There is a helpsheet (no.HS056) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – HS056 Groups – Host Family Confirmation Letters.docx or please watch the video below demonstrating this process….

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How do I produce a batch of host family confirmation letters?

…There are two stages to this progress: Create a document template Create a quick report to find the hosts in order to merge the documents There is a helpsheet (no.HS054) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – HS054 Documents – Host Family Confirmation Letters.docx…

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We need to pay our host families for transfers, how do we do this?

…a Room = Transfer, (type = transfer), Capacity = 9 (to allow for several students being picked up!) Add the new Transfer Price Item to the accommodation bookings screen. Note: Transfer will appear on Accommodations Booking Report – match to family Host Accommodation Payment run – Family will be paid for this item For more detailed help there is a helpsheet (SQL158) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet…

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How do I produce a list of host family payments to send to the bank?

…Within the homestay payment run there is a BACS file that can be created which is saved in an export file. This file is generated for all families whose payment method within their banking screen is set to ‘Transfer’ and their bank details entered correctly. There is a helpsheet (no.HS192) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – HS192 Homestay Payments – BACS Output File.docx…

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How do I produce labels for host families?

…This can be achieved by using accommodation quick reports There is a helpsheet (no. HS004) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – HS004 Quick Reports – Host Family Mailing Labels.docx or please watch the video below demonstrating this process….

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How can I produce a list of active host families?

…This can be achieved by using an “Accomm” quick report, adding relevant fields. There is a helpsheet (no.HS033) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – HS033 Quick Reports – Host Family List.docx or please watch the video below demonstrating this process.  …

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How do I run the Host Payments?

…To run the Host Payments go to Accommodation>Payments. However prior to running the the payments you must ensure that all amendments are made to Host details and to Student records. There is a helpsheet (no.SQL006) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – HF Payments.doc    …

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I need to produce a list of host families to mailshot or email?

…ed your master document with the details that you are wanting to email the host families with. Then within quick reports select the “Report Type” “Accommodation” and add the relevant fields, then once you have run the report you then have the facility to send the document from the report and this will then immediately up date the host families profile with this document. There is a helpsheet (no.SQL042) which covers this. Please click on the follo…

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When might I need to make a manual payment?

…to a family in advance of the payment run If a payment has been made to a family in advance of the payment run and you do not want to pay the family this value again, add a manual payment for the same amount as a minus value, i.e. -£80. There is a helpsheet (no.HS075) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – HS075 – Accommodation – Host Manual Payments.docx or please watch the video below demonstrating…

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We would like to start running the Host Payments through Class?

…Prior to running the Host Payments through Class there is a little bit of setup work and possibly catching up within historical payments. Infospeed would recommend that you have a short training session with regards to setting up the payment runs. There is a helpsheet (no.SQL008) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – HF First Payment Run.doc  …

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